H2i sucessfully completed the first 2-week training session for the Implementation of Operational Management Systems for urban flood managements to the Hydroinformatics Institute (HII) in Thailand. This program consists of four dedicated theory sessions along with on-the-job training covering the following topics:
– Weather radar data processing in real time
– Development of radar-based nowcasting methods
– Advanced topic on the radar data processing and nowcasting
– Hands on session on building an OMS application
Despite of the Covid-19 circumstance, H2i’s radar specialists have successfully carried out the training session via e-learning from 1 to 12 June 2020. The session participants learned the comprehensive aspects required for the development of an operational radar rainfall processing system. The course encompassed not only the basic theory behind the radar measurements, but also practical aspects such as quality control, and rainfall estimation algorithms for hydrological applications, followed by brief consultancy customized for the HII staff.